Student Tuition
* * * Summer 2024 tuition is due May 6, 2024. * * *
Note: Students will NOT receive a bill for tuition and fees via U.S. mail. Check WebAdvisor under "View Account and Make Payments" for tuition amounts due.
Tuition is charged per-credit hour for all hours taken.
Tuition Costs
*Florence & Darlington residents - $185 per credit hour
*Eligible to students who establish residency for at least a year prior to the term start date.
Other South Carolina residents - $196 per credit hour
Out of State residents - $274 per credit hour
Out of country nonresidents - $363 per credit hour
Additional Fees
Included in tables below:
- Activity Fee - $50/term
- Technology Fee - $4 per credit hour (capped at $50 per term)
Excluded from tables below:
- General Education Course Fee - $50 per credit hour
- Technical Education Course Fee - $60 per credit hour
- Health Sciences Education Course Fee - $60 per credit hour
- Late Fee ($100)
-Unpaid tuition by the due date will result in a $100 late fee and courses may be purged.
Part-time Status
- 3/4 time (9 to 11.5 hours)
- 1/2 time (6 to 8.5 hours)
The College reserves the right to change tuition and fee rates each term without prior notice.
Fees for auditing a course are the same as taking a course for credit. Minimum of 50 cents per contact hour is charged for any continuing education student. Students can also use the Net Price Calculator to estimate tuition.
By South Carolina law, persons sixty and over may be allowed free tuition and application fees on a space available basis. However, these persons must meet admission standards.
The above fees do not include the cost of books, shop coats, uniforms, equipment, tools, supplies, graduation fees, or education course fees for General, Technical or Health Science courses. Fees are subject to change in accordance with policies established by the State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education. All tuition fees must be paid or charged to financial aid, sponsor, scholarship or other source before attending class. Tuition, fees and Bookstore charges are the responsibility of the student. All institutional charges not paid by financial aid, sponsors, scholarships, loans, or other sources, must be paid by the student.
All tuition must be paid by the published due date each term. During the term, circumstances may occur which results in a student's financial aid or scholarship being reduced or rescinded or other transactions occur which causes the student's tuition and/or books to be unpaid. At this time, the student should pay the balance in full. If the account is not paid, it will be placed in our billing cycle and the student's record will be frozen to any further activity. All future registrations will be cancelled and all transcripts will be held. After the student has received three bills, the account may be placed with the SC Department of Revenue for collection. The debtor could be assessed the cost of collection incurred in addition to the already outstanding amount.
South Carolina Income Tax Credit
To help ease the financial burden for South Carolina college students and their families, the South Carolina General Assembly has created an income tax credit for tuition paid to South Carolina colleges and universities. To claim the credit, a Form SC 1040 must be filed. When preparing the South Carolina income tax return, Form I-319 Tuition Tax Credit must be completed. This form is included with all state individual income tax booklets. For more information about the tax credit, please visit the South Carolina Tuition Tax Credit website.
Free Tuition Available for Senior Citizens
By South Carolina law, state-supported colleges and universities are authorized to permit legal residents of South Carolina who are 60 years of age or older, if such persons do not receive compensation as full-time employees, to attend classes for credit on a space available basis without the required payment of tuition. Please contact the financial aid office for more information.